Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Journey of Dreams

     The silence of the ship was buffered by the echoes of Beethoven's Ode to Joy, and a low, constant hum of the double engine as it coursed through space. A voice began to sing along with the melody of the song, and led through the empty hallways to a good-sized cockpit. There sat a willowy woman with long raven-black hair which had been twined up into a bundle of many little braids at the nape of her neck.
   "Freude, schoener Goetterfunken...Tochter aus Elysium..." Her lilting voice sang the original verses. The control panel blinked and pulsed, as she watched out the window at the vast expanse that was the Omega Quadrant.


  1. She had enjoyed her trip to the Omega Quadrant. It involved a good couple months in cryo-sleep and for some reason she was always able to dream better in cryo-sleep. Her dreams were vivid and real, she swore they must be a side effect of the chemicals they use but she didn't mind.
    The dream she had this trip was of Telrin her old SEATY (Space Exploration Academy for Talented Youths) boyfriend. It had been years since she last talked to him. And after the wonderful dream she had of him she felt she definatly needed to look him up again.

  2. As she reminisced about Telrin, a loud whooping boop caught her attention, "Oh holy hell.." she stated as she saw a blip on her proximity sensors. There was a ship closing in on her quickly, as if it had a purpose.
